Phoenix Learning Systems
Software Developers
PowerSchool® Consultants
Phoenix Emailer is an application that works in concert with PowerSchool to allow you to define, schedule and control information being sent to parents and administrators. Instead of receiving a separate email for each class, Emailer sends a single parent email with the information they requested in a concise, easy-to-read format.
Any SQL report you create can be scheduled and delivered as an HTML Email, Email Attachment or as a file sent to an FTP server.
Uses PowerSchool's parent options for email delivery
You determine the schedule when emails are delivered to parents
Define the subject and customize headers of the emails sent to parents
Attendance notification alerts parents to daily attendance marks
School Enrollment notification informs selected persons when a new student enrolls in or leaves school
Class Enrollment notification alerts teachers when a student adds or drops a class
Imagine the Possibilities
A List of students with attendance problems delivered to principles
Coaches receive regular “D and F” lists for players on their rosters
Weekly summary of disciplinary actions
Daily Free and Reduced lunch totals
Be the Hero In Your School
With Emailer you’ll quickly rise to hero status as parents fall in love with the new email format. Administrators and staff will be duly impressed with the informative reports that arrive in their in-box on a regular schedule.
System Requirements
SSL (HTTPS) included
24×7 Monitoring
Daily Backups
Windows 7 or greater
Windows Server 2008R2 or greater
Mac OS X 10.8 or greater